CAS number query > Classification of chemical products > SugarAcid > Uridine diphosphate rhamnose

Uridine diphosphate rhamnose

Uridine diphosphate rhamnose

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Uridine diphosphate rhamnose Product Overview
Uridine diphosphate rhamnose Product details






产品名 尿苷-5'-二磷酸鼠李糖;尿苷二磷酸鼠李糖

英文名 UDP-rhamnose

CAS 号 1955-26-6

分子式:C15H24N2O16P2   分子量:550.3

外观: 类白色至白色固体或粉末

含量:≥95.0% HPLC专业科学准确检测



Uridine diphosphate rhamnose Related documents

Chemical safety data sheet(MSDS)

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