CAS number query > Classification of chemical products > ChemicalReagent > > Glycine tert butyl ester hydrochloride

Glycine tert butyl ester hydrochloride

Glycine tert butyl ester hydrochloride

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  • Product Overview
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Glycine tert butyl ester hydrochloride Product Overview
Glycine tert butyl ester hydrochloride Product details






CAS 号:27532-96-3

分子式:C6H14ClNO2  分子量:167.63

外观 为白色结晶粉末

含量 ≥98.5%专业科学准确检测

用于 用于外贸出口、科学研究和化学试剂等领域

包装 25KG/纸板桶 

储存 遮光干燥密封储存  有效期2年

Glycine tert butyl ester hydrochloride Related documents

Chemical safety data sheet(MSDS)

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