CAS number query > Classification of chemical products > Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine

Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine

Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine

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Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine Product Overview
Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine Product details


5级Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine Product details

  • 英文名称:Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine

  • CAS号:888939-48-8

  • 分子式:C16H17N3O6

  • 分子量: 347.32

Phthaloyl-L- alanyl-L-glutamine Related documents

Chemical safety data sheet(MSDS)

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